Tuesday 20 July 2010

Birthday Harems

It’s my birthdaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay in four days don’t ya know. That’s right, official Felicia Day. I’m letting you all know now in advance so you have plenty of time to prepare/buy me handbag/make a cake/send flowers/send me on holiday…what?

Remember Marcus? Here he is again at work on the set of BBC’s Being Human indulging in some Jane adoration. She’s wearing a really beautiful Karen Millen waistcoat and Oasis jeans cheering up a long day on the grind.


I in the meantime, have just treated myself to this fancy get-up from ASOS for my work wardrobe.


What do you think? I’ve been shying away from harem trousers because, honestly, most of them make you look like you’ve either crapped yourself and forgotten about it, or like there’s just something strange going on with your thigh area. But I’ve seen so many hot women around the office pull them off recently, I just figured, why the hell not? My boyfriend will hate them. He’ll totally make that face like “what are THOSE? What is this fashion NONSENSE ALL ABOUT.” I’ve got a horrible feeling I’ll I hate them too once I see them on me, I know Jane isn’t a massive fan either. Oh God. High five ASOS Free Returns policy! I’ll put pics up as soon as they arrive. Drum roll please.


  1. hope you have a fabulous birthday xxxx

  2. Do him a belly dance, I'm sure you'll win him over....;-)

  3. Ha thanks mum! I'm not teh most graceful remember - could end up face down on the floor knowing me.

    And thanks Kirsty! I'm going to be fake tanning like a pro this week if I have any hope of matching your Ibiza glow! xxx
