Friday 9 July 2010

Home to the Office


It’s the worst isn’t it? When you’ve been away on an awesome holiday and you have to go back to work as soon as you get home. Luckily Jane’s job as a make-up artist isn’t the average 9-5 – a day at the office for her involves mountains of fake blood, prosthetic limbs and hair straightners. Sounds fun! She always likes to point out it isn’t, and that actually tv sets are always the most boring, unglamorous affairs, but one can’t help but wonder. She’s been working on Casualty in Bristol, and wore her favourite denim Mango dress for the occasion, totally rocking a great tan.

1 comment:

  1. A job as a makeup artist must be a really fun job! I would save up all my money and buy some of these women's dresses!
